We, the participants in the Sixth regional seminar of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage (Athens, 10-11 May 2012), hereinafter ‘the Network’, thank the Ministry of
Culture and Tourism of the Hellenic Republic and the Hellenic National Commission of UNESCO for having hosted and organized, together with the UNESCO Venice Office for Science and Culture in
Europe, this annual seminar.
We underline that this meeting, which is a follow-up to the previous meetings in Arbanassi, Bulgaria (June 2007), Safranbolu, Turkey (May 2008), Zagreb, Croatia (April 2009), Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Romania (May 2010), and Belgrade, Serbia (May 2011) marked a further step forward to enhance a common understanding of opportunities and challenges linked to the safeguarding and promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the region.
During our discussions, the following topics and challenges of common interest emerged, and recommendations for future action were proposed Devamı için Tıklayınız...